Exporting from PDF to MS Word format (.doc or RTF) ?
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2004-04-08 12:24:11 UTC

I am using the Adode PDF Printer for converting the Word doc to PDF.
I am using the code as
Application.PrintOut FileName:="", Range:=wdPrintAllDocument,OutputfileName:="C:\Temp.pdf", Item:= _
wdPrintDocumentContent, Copies:=1, Pages:="", PageType:=wdPrintAllPages, _
ManualDuplexPrint:=False, Collate:=True, Background:=False, printtofile:= _
True, PrintZoomColumn:=0, PrintZoomRow:=0, PrintZoomPaperWidth:=0, _

The above code works fine if i remove the outputfilename but then it opens a saveas dialog box.If i give the outputfilename,then it creates the file in the path specified but when i open the pdf file,it gives me error ,cannot open the pdf file....

Any help will be appreciated.

2004-04-08 17:00:38 UTC
so I can safely assume from this thread that it is NOT possible to convert my pdf back to word doc.. change it and put it back into pdf format?


I no longer have the original doc pages....
so now its print every page.. scan it back in..
change it...
and go through the steps of making it a pdf again......

how can such a great program have such a flaw?
2004-04-08 17:34:32 UTC
OMG...this won't work either. When I scan it in, it becomes a "picture". I wanted to add a watermark on each page of my pdf.
any suggestions on how I can accomplish this?
2004-04-08 17:35:36 UTC
so I can safely assume from this thread that it is NOT possible to convert
my pdf back to word doc.. You simply select Save As and choose Microsoft
Word document.

The opposite is true - surely what this thread tells you is that it is possible to convert a PDF into a Word document... just not very well.

While I do not know the exact ins and outs of it, I assume that the PDF specification does not contain the necessary information required to create a perfect Word document. One assumes that to include enough information in a PDF to enable it to be convertred flawlessly into any other file format would bloat the file size and not make it a streamlined Portable Document Format any more.

Who knows what future releases hold in store for us!
2004-04-09 05:11:04 UTC
This thread is about issues in converting PDF to Word. Your issue is very different. To access people who may be able to help you with your code you should start a new thread by using Add Topic and giving a clear title that describes your issue.

To start a new thread, in any www.adobe.com page click Support>Forums then choose you Forum - Acrobat for Windows. At the top of the list of topics there's the Add Topic link, that will allow you to define a title and describe the issue you need help with.
2004-04-10 15:44:17 UTC
With Acrobat 6.0.1 Standard, I get a pretty adequate translation of pdf to Word. The greatest exception is that occasional Greek letters almost always are translated as a blank with underline. I have the Symbol font installed.
2004-04-12 01:54:02 UTC
Any suggestions on how to get these missing characters would be appreciated.
2004-04-12 03:22:48 UTC
Can anyone out there help me with Converting PDf to Word Using Visual basic. I need to know what references and declarations I have to make in order to accomplish this

2004-04-12 07:36:58 UTC
I was hoping someone would have an answer for you. During the interuption of normal services, here's my guess. The export to Word/RTF will work adequately (assuming a basic use of Word features and nothing complicated) using the fonts that are already installed on a machine. If the required font is not already installed Word will not complain - just not show the correct character. Whereas PDF, having the possibility to embed fonts for the use of that document regardless of what's installed on the viewing machine, can display the character correctly. But embedded fonts cannot be installed on a machine form the PDF, and Word cannot access the embedded fonts.

Using File>Document Properties in Acrobat you should be able to what fonts are embedded and subset in your document. I cannot test this (I have 5.05 and Pro 6.01) but you might be able to select the greek character in the PDF using the text touch up tool and find out from the error message, what the name of the font is. Then that provides two options - install the needed font, or replace the character in Word with an appropriate character code from another font.

I hope this helps you in some way.
2004-04-14 23:51:31 UTC
I have Acrobat 5.0. I am trying to work with a .pdf that was sent to me by somebody else. I want to turn it into editable text. I don't care about the formatting.

The security settings (Under "File-Document Security") tell me there is no security.

I thought I'd try to copy/paste the text into Word, but I cannot select any text with the Text Select tool. I try to click in the text, but absolutely nothing happens-I can't select anything.

I tried to "File-Save as" an .rtf file. The program pauses for a few seconds; a blue bar temporarily appears in the lower left corner, so it looks like its doing something. But when I go to open the newly-created .rtf file, it simply is not there. It doesn't exist.

I've tried this 3 times. I'm not a neophyte; I know how to save files, how to identify the path, how to search for a file, how to change the file type in the 'open' box so you look for "all files" instead of just .doc or .rtf, how to search in hidden files/folders. The .rtf file name I'm trying to create simply doesn't exist.

Any help from anybody? Thanks much
2004-04-15 08:49:26 UTC

it sounds very much as though the pdf file has been made from a scanned image of text rather than text itself. In that case there would be no text for Acrobat to save as RTF so no RTF file would be created.

Only option open to you then is to OCR the file and hope you get something usable from it.

2004-04-15 14:21:05 UTC
This 'thread' is a nightmare!

Have I been doing it all wrong by starting a new thread for a new topic, wow, maybe we should just have one thread, and everybody just jump in with a question, cool, bit like a kids tea party without the jelly and ice-cream ...

Seriously, PLEASE start a new thread for a new topic.
2004-04-15 20:40:06 UTC
The long winded, verbose responses in post #1 and #3 were useful. We lost the thread of usefulness after all that verbage.
2004-04-22 22:29:49 UTC
I have been out of the loop because of tax season, but I have a possible solution to the original question, if that person is still interested.
I have been testing the evaluation version of Leadtools' ePrint software, and it seems to convert nicely. I have not been able to edit the text in the .rtf once converted, but they say it is possible and are currently working on showing me how.
Hope this helps.
2004-04-23 03:25:53 UTC
I'll bring this thread back on topic...

Where do babies come from?
2004-04-23 09:48:16 UTC
Babies grow in between the curly kale.
2004-04-28 20:37:33 UTC
I have no idea what that was all about.

Here is an update on LeadTools. If your .pdf is from an original searchable document, you should be able to use their program to convert to .rtf and have it be editable. If it is originally from a scan or image(as in my case), it will not convert editable, even if the .pdf is searchable.
2015-11-06 07:00:06 UTC
i find another pdf to word converter http://www.online-code.net/pdf-to-word.html, it can convert pdf to ms word doc and plain txt file free online.
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