Actobat 8.0 Pro Closes Automatically
(too old to reply)
2006-11-19 23:01:02 UTC
I've just installed Actobat 8.0 Pro on my laptop and desktop. It works fine on my laptop but once I open it, it closes automatically in about 10 secondes. Tried uninstalling it and installing in again but nothing's soveled that problem. Please help me with this issue.

My desktop has:
Intel Pentium D 820
1G Memory
Nvidia quadro FX 540

2006-12-08 22:52:55 UTC
Woo Jin,

There are several of us encountering the same or a very similar problem with Acrobat Pro 7 and 8: Acrobat closes without warning after either 10 seconds or about a minute.

Did you ever fix your problem?

If so how did you fix it?

If not, perhaps we can pool resources. See the thread "Acrobat 7 Pro closes without warning after one minute".

2006-12-09 10:32:01 UTC
Yes, I posted the same problem today. Were you able to fix this?

2006-12-09 21:42:00 UTC

I also am encountering the same issue. Acrobat 8 pro will open, then automatically close in about 10 seconds. I also cannot "print to PDF" from other programs. I get the message "Acrobat is not currently active".

My recently installed programs were ISS Blackice firewall and System Mechanic.

I completely uninstalled both of those programs and reinstalled Acrobat 8, but it still closes automatically.

Help please!
2006-12-09 23:58:17 UTC
I have submitted a support request with Adobe Australia, but have not heard back. Hopefully there is a resolution.

2006-12-10 00:15:05 UTC
Bob and Rodrigo,

What I should have added was that this problem appears to be identical to the problems (for both Acrobat Pro 7.08 and 8.0) described in the threads "Acrobat 7 Pro closes without warning after one minute" and "Actobat 8.0 Pro Closes Automatically".

2006-12-10 03:52:59 UTC
The same thing is happening to me as well. I think it happened after I installed some kind of update from Adobe's automatic updating program yesterday. I didn't check which program it was updating. Since there wasn't any Acrobat 8 updates, could be Photoshop CS2 which is installed in my computer.
2006-12-10 04:20:28 UTC
Count me in your league guys.

My Acrobat 8.0 Pro worked fine untill today. It closed without any error warning after 10 second opened.

I suspect that it could be the upgrade of Acrobat Reader 8.0 beta to Reader 8.0 final version, which I managed to install few days ago.

Until now I've attempted to do no fix yet.. just straight right to "google" and Adobe's support but to no avail.

Hope this forum could figure it out soonnn..

2006-12-10 09:28:23 UTC
That's weird. I just intalled Acrobat 8 Pro into one of my work stations, and it didn't seem to find any update. It also didn't have the problem that you guys described. Could they different versions?

2006-12-10 20:16:34 UTC

It is not at all common (until a couple of days ago I thought I was the only one who had the problem), so you shouldn't expect to be afflicted.

The update referred to by mailmyplace was for Reader, not for the full Acrobat Pro.

2006-12-10 22:46:35 UTC
Does ANYBODY have a solution to fix this?
Let's stop talking about it, and come up with ideas! ;)
2006-12-11 00:19:08 UTC
Try to see what's going on using Process Monitor


It may point to some file that Acrobat needs read or write access to.
2006-12-11 02:14:25 UTC
I downloaded it...have no idea what I'm looking at... :)

Any way to fix this? This is terrible...with so many people with the same problem for a NEW version...this is wrong of Adobe to nearly ignore this....at least if they said they were working on the problem......

Is there anything that can be tried?....Anybody???

This error below was located in a file called "Administrator.err" located in the directory: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Adobe\Acrobat\8.0


061210 21:11:20 [Warning] Can't open and lock time zone table: Table 'mysql.time_zone_leap_second' doesn't exist trying to live without them
2006-12-11 03:03:05 UTC
Great tool. Thanks for sharing.

2006-12-11 03:09:47 UTC
This is terrible...with so many people with the same problem for a NEW

I've counted 6 people so far.

this is wrong of Adobe to nearly ignore this

Have you called tech support yet? There needs to be some troubleshooting done as not everyone is having this problem, so they need to find out what makes your system different than a lot of other users who aren't having the problem.
2006-12-11 03:48:17 UTC
This error below was located in a file called "Administrator.err" located
in the directory: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application

If you delete this file, then start up Acrobat and let it quit again, does this file return?
2006-12-11 03:59:53 UTC
Hi MarkATS...

Yes...it does return...also a file in the same directory called "UserCache.bin" goes and comes back.
Post by M***@adobeforums.com
I've counted 6 people so far.
Well, some are under different category names...like "not starting" or a similar problem with acrobat 7. Much more than only six people. Google search reveals similar problems also:

2006-12-11 07:50:28 UTC
Count me in!!! Stopped working last night!
2006-12-11 09:41:10 UTC
I just downloaded and ran Microsoft's Process Monitor several times, looking for access denied messages, particularly in the registry, while Acrobat.exe was running.

Despite filtering as much rubbish out as I was game to try , there was still a *lot* of information generated during those 10 sec and 1 minute periods. But nothing that my limited understanding told me was an error likely to cause our problem.

I have still not heard back from Adobe support.

I'm cross posting this to the other thread (Acrobat 7 Pro closes without warning after one minute) which is also getting traffic.

2006-12-11 11:02:53 UTC
Has anyone optmized their system by disabling startup services?

As for process monitor, you want to look at where the acrobat.exe was last active and investigate what processes were active just before and after it, and if there are indeed any errors.

Also you want to stop as many applications and processes as possible before monitoring in order to avoid useless info being generated.

Try and put a log file online and post a link so other can have a look at it as well.
2006-12-11 14:10:28 UTC
I've got the same problem, I'm running Acrobat 8 Pro on Vista x64 Enterprise. Non of the solutions mentioned in this Thread solved the Problem.
2006-12-11 16:58:59 UTC
Count me too! I have the same problem and nothing helped me. (Vista Business x64)
2006-12-11 17:05:59 UTC
I've got the same problem, I'm running Acrobat 8 Pro on Vista x64 Enterprise

You realize X64 isn't a supported OS, right? By the way, neither is Vista.
2006-12-11 21:28:53 UTC
I also have the same problem. Count me in.
2006-12-11 22:29:24 UTC
Using regular windows xp sp2, if you "quickly before it closes" go to the HELP menu, (before it closes!)...then select "Repair Acrobat Installation"....THAT will keep it open as long as the install program is running, in the background.

This is a very weird problem....I did try deleting the organizer folder....letting it rebuild one....that did not work. Even tried a new install...that did not work. This program costs too much to be down like this. :(

Anybody have any ideas?

Thanks...getting desperate here!
2006-12-12 03:20:39 UTC
Same problem on my system...just started happening over the weekend. I do NOT have Reader installed. Using Windows XP SP2...with a recent Microsoft Updates that ran the other day...so not sure if it is a patch from Microsoft that is breaking Acrobat?

This is TERRIBLE...can't get work done without the ability to PDF documents! Also tried reinstalling Acrobat completely but it didn't make any difference.
2006-12-12 04:38:02 UTC
What I love is how with all the tech support calls and the postings to this forum and the bug alerts sent in, no one from Adobe has responded. Not one, not ONE person with any suggestions.

Typical, they are probably running around like ants, scrambling trying to figure this out, because this is BIG.

And you know they know...
2006-12-12 05:48:17 UTC
Yeah...I think that's why MarkATS...(A.dobe T.ech S.upport ???)...keeps giving us these obvious...you're the dummy, not us, runaround answers....
2006-12-12 08:02:01 UTC
It's more than likely that Mark is trying to help you establish the cause of the problem as TS can't replicate it. Remember it's real hard in Support to help if the problem cannot be repeated back at base, especially with a brand new bit of software (and very little training no doubt eh Mark, don't answer that, I know)
2006-12-12 08:38:26 UTC
Maybe it could be this:

(I googled the last error when the program closed):

"mysqld in Acrobat 8. GPL Violation?"

Error Googled was:

[Warning] Can't open and lock time zone table: Table 'mysql.time_zone_leap_second' doesn't exist trying to live without them ...
2006-12-12 12:04:15 UTC
It's not happening on my system despite my best efforts to cripple it.

Can anyone who has the issue, monitor the event between Acrobat opening an closing using process monitor and post the log file somehwere online?


It'll give Adobe something to look at.
2006-12-12 14:33:17 UTC
Yeah...I think that's why MarkATS...(A.dobe T.ech S.upport ???)...keeps
giving us these obvious...you're the dummy, not us, runaround answers....

I'd like to tell you how to fix the broblem, but we don't have enough information, and haven't been able to reproduce the problem. We've ruled out a couple of suspects from users's responses to questions asked so far.
2006-12-12 17:21:39 UTC
Ok, I've created a log file from ProcMon, isolated to Acrobat. Had to use excel, because it's alot of info and frankly couldn't print to PDF! :)

Download, save and view it here.

For those of you that can understand the functions, keep an eye out for:

Buffer Overflows starting at: Cell # 33849 -
Buffer Overflows at: Cell # 35582

Failure to create Acrobat.exe.local: Cell# 36572

Exit Process at: Cell # 36680 and 366681

Look forward to some responses...
2006-12-12 18:23:12 UTC
the post about ""mysqld in Acrobat 8. GPL Violation?" makes me think it could be a corrupted Organizer Database. Would some one be willing to delete their Organizer database and re-launch Acrobat.

You can find the folder here:
1. C:\Documents and Settings\[[username]]\Application Data\Adobe\Acrobat\8.0\
2. Delete any folder that has Organizer in the name. (If you don't want to delte you can move it to the desktop and put it back when later)
3. Restart Acrobat.
4. please post if this was successful.

There was a similar issue for one of the Acrobat 7 dot releases if I recall correctly. If it is not this then I suspect it could be a conflict with the Updater plugin, which will take some troubleshooting to find what file(s) might be causing the issue.

2006-12-12 18:45:44 UTC
STUPID QUESTION: but what is an Organizer database?
2006-12-12 19:17:37 UTC
Organizer is a feature in Acroba 7 & 8 (File menu, Open Organizer) that displays thumbnail views of previously opened files. The information that it uses is stored in a "database" file. So by deleting it you would be losing your Previous History information. If you depend on that then perhaps let some one else volunteer to try this.
2006-12-12 19:25:44 UTC
Deleting "organizer70" folder didn't solve the problem.
2006-12-12 19:38:52 UTC
Thanks for the clarification -- wasn't aware that this feature worked within a database file.

I'm still wondering if this "10 second unexpectedly quit" bug is due to some conflict with a recent Microsoft security patch? Since I know I've seen my system get some automated updates over the weekend. Just curious...since it was a similar MS security patch that caused problems with Adobe Illustrator last year (remember the infamous WMF bug)?
2006-12-12 19:48:30 UTC
Removing updater also doesn't help.

I also removed "plug_ins" and "plug_ins3d" folders, this also doesn't help.

Maybe it has something to do with Dual Core? I've a Turion 64 X2 and figured out some programs which have problems with dual core (e.g. Firefox).
2006-12-12 19:36:12 UTC
good to know. Thank you for trying that for everyone. I'll look into Updater files. In the meantime, may I suggest one more troubleshooting idea that will help narrow that down?

Remove the Updater plugin
1. Open C:\Program Files\adobe\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\plug_ins
2. drag the updater.api file to the desktop (do not delete).
3. Launch Acrobat to see the issue is resolved. Please post the result.
4. After the test please return the Updater.api file to the plug_ins folder.

If this resolves the issue it would indicate a conflict with the Adobe Updater files. More thoughts after knowing this result.

Thanks again
2006-12-12 19:40:02 UTC
I am not ruling out a MS Patch issue. After checking the Updater plugin we can then see.
2006-12-12 19:54:04 UTC
okay, thank you Mabo. I'm back to the drawing board on what the conflict may be. It sounds like, to try and summarize this thread, that the suggestions are:

1. hardware related. Dual core machines. What other hardware types might we be seeing this with? Q - does it only happen on 64 bit hardware?
2. MS Update conflict, can anyone comment on whether they think it was an optional or mandatory update? That could help narrow it down. I ask because I have all the updates on my XP 32 bit OS with Acrobat 8 and I'm working just fine.
3. I trust that we are seeing this from those that installed from CD media and from web store download media?

What else? I appreciate everyone's help here by the way.
2006-12-12 21:38:53 UTC
Just to throw 2 small spanners in the works:

I'm one of the original posters, and my problem is with Acro 7.0.8, not 8.0.

I get 2 different timeout periods (10 sec and 60 sec), depending on which login I'm using.

But, it IS a 2GHz Core 2 Duo laptop (my P4 PC runs same software OK on W2K)

2006-12-12 22:20:31 UTC
m one of the original posters, and my problem is with Acro 7.0.8, not

Then take a look at the solutions in this tech doc and see if it resolves your problem: <http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/332791.html>
2006-12-12 23:02:00 UTC
I can't imagine it is hardware related because it has worked flawlessly for the past two months. I do NOT have dual core PC...but a two-year old P4.

The bug just started appearing this weekend with absolutely no changes to hardware...and I do recall that the Microsoft Update added some patches over the weekend...just can't remember what they were since I have it set on auto update.

I have since removed 8 because I have to get work done, so I'm back on 7.0.8 for now...but will be happy to reinstall 8 to troubleshoot further if anyone has any specific instructions to follow/test.
2006-12-12 23:08:19 UTC
The post from MarkATS sending me to <http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/332791.html>
worked for me after I followed the solutions up to number 4:

Solution 4: Set the proper permissions on the %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Adobe Systems\Product Licenses folder using the command line

Note that this I'm on Acrobat Pro 7, not Acrobat Pro 8.0

Good luck all!

Thx Mark and Adobe!
2006-12-12 23:46:48 UTC
This post might be inappropriate. Click to display it.
2006-12-13 00:15:41 UTC
The suggested solution doesn't solve my problem
2006-12-13 00:43:49 UTC

While I got my v7 problem fixed using your link (http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/331958.html) after completing Solution 4, I also had to start the Adobe Licence Manager Service at Solution 2 (it was not running before).

Maybe there is something similar needed in v8?

2006-12-13 00:37:43 UTC
Nope....Nada....How about an UPDATE???
2006-12-13 00:43:00 UTC
This is a software problem..not PC...Duo Core...Tri Core...whatever core...if it worked for a month or so..and then started crashing...and your other software products work...it's simple...software issues.

However, in all fairness...I see a lot of folks have had this problem since the latest Microsoft updates...maybe that could be the culprit??

Maybe one of their security updates closes the program for some reason...maybe confusing it with a security breach, etc...
2006-12-13 01:36:14 UTC
The suggested solution doesn't solve my problem


I also had to start the Adobe Licence Manager Service at Solution 2 (it
was not running before). Maybe there is something similar needed in v8?

Maybe. I'll have to check tomorrow when I'm near a Windows machine.
2006-12-13 06:55:31 UTC
It has been a long issue as I can see. This happens with Acrobat 7 too. Go report a bug even though many others have reported it before.

2006-12-13 07:09:17 UTC
Post by W***@adobeforums.com
I've just installed Actobat 8.0 Pro on my laptop and desktop. It works fine on my laptop but once I open it, it closes automatically in about 10 secondes. Tried uninstalling it and installing in again but nothing's soveled that problem. Please help me with this issue.
Intel Pentium D 820
1G Memory
Nvidia quadro FX 540
Hi Woo Jin Lee,

seems to be a weird problem (on my new Notebook ok, PC creates probs)
that even Adobe cannot resolve. I have the 8.0 version standard. The
installation works fine but then - the licensing procedure gives me
creeps. It just doesn't load the agreement (in German) the pointer
starts to flicker and that is the end of it. Together with the Adobe
tech guy I tried so many possible workarounds but nothing works. I
asked him to recall the shipment and I have my software returned to
It seems to me that I bought my German upgrade a bit too early. Will
wait until they did more test runs.
Karl Hunhold/Berlin/Germany
2006-12-13 09:22:04 UTC

I'm not sure what you are trying to say.

MarkATS FOUND a fix for Acrobat 7 (and therefore fixed my problem, for which I am very grateful). He is now looking at doing something for those Acrobat 8.0 users who have a similar (if not the same) problem. And it seems he reached the end of his shift, so he will be back tomorrow (US time).

Where is the problem with that?

2006-12-13 10:21:25 UTC
Shihaya it's probably better to post the raw data in the native format of the application. filtering out only the Acrobat data removes the context of the closing, event if that makes sense.

Also I think the mysql error is a red herring I've got a file with the same error and acrobat still doesn't close on it's own accord.
2006-12-13 15:50:38 UTC
Thanks deSiem, but with over 200,000 events happening on my computer within one minute, posting the raw data is practically impossible, as just the Acrobat xls data alone was 5MB.

If someone wants to allow a remote connection to their computer from tech support, then maybe they should do that. If they could get someone from tech support on the wire and officially talk to them. I really don't know if MarkATS is from the company, he hasn't really said as far as I know. He could just be a helpful user, which is great.

But that RPC shouldn't be needed, as I'm sure that ATS has plenty of windows configurations in their labs to track down bugs, no?

Besides, I'm NOT a techie, just trying to figure out what's happening to this program I paid so much for.

Meanwhile, what I do have is a little money, so I'll buy a replacement program, maybe Nitro or Scansoft and see if those replacements will at least stop losing me business.

Good luck guys, I'll wait for a patch or a fix..
2006-12-13 23:13:08 UTC
Can ANYBODY offer a suggestion that may or has worked for them...???

It's been over a week....I really need to get my pdf's back up again....ANY Ideas? Tech support seems non existent...did anyone have any luck contacting them?...I didn't.
2006-12-13 23:13:11 UTC
I have the exact same situation with Acro8 Pro. No problem ever with 7. The issue began with an update from Adobe's site. Don't know if was for reader or Pro, but that's when the problem began. Closes in 10 seconds or less on my laptop and desktop. XP SP2, 2GB memory.

Have tried all solutions mentioned in the forum to no avail. Have to go back to 7 I guess. Frustrating!
2006-12-14 00:34:31 UTC
Hi Skoody...

Well I dumped 7...I like the features in version 8. I feel stupid paying for this junk. I think they rushed it.....so much for my stocks in Adobe. Terrible response time to customers...and won't even acknowledge an obvious problem. Oh..it must be your pc chipset...oh...not enough memory....oh...uninstall EVERYTHING....do this...do that....oh, we can't duplicate the error....oh, you pc is to old....etc. It's a SOFTWARE problem.....please fix it!

Oh..p.s....I don't need any scalding responses by the Adobe protectors....instead of writing bad boy responses...come up with some answers. This isn't just a few folks with problems....try a google search! Look, I like the program...but I'm frustrated with the lack of an update, or fix...or at least a "we're working on it"...!
2006-12-14 00:59:05 UTC
Today I installed XP Prof (32Bit Version) on my Computer and I'm having the same issues like on Vista x64.
2006-12-14 10:55:08 UTC
I am now really falling behind with my work!
I do not have Acro 5, 6 or 7 to rely on!

Does anybody know where I can find an older version of Arobat until this problem is sorted out??

2006-12-14 11:19:27 UTC
I guess combining the registry info with the file info does crate large files. try using filemon instead, it only monitors file access. make sure to run with a minimum amount of processes when doing the monitoring.

Has anyone tried creating a new user account and tried running Acrobat in that and see if it still happens?
2006-12-14 12:47:32 UTC
Just adding my name to the list of affected.

XP Pro

I can open my docs in LiveCycle 8 with no problems, just have the close down ofAA after 10 secs.
2006-12-14 15:01:36 UTC
Just adding my name to the list of affected.

Instead of just adding your name to a list, please tell us if you have tried any of the suggestions offered or if you have called technical support to troubleshoot the problem.
2006-12-14 15:09:13 UTC
Further info

I have tried all the suggestions and nothing has worked. I have left an error log with Adobe but not called Tech Supp.

I can open a menu which keeps the program open but as soon as I close the menu A8 shuts down. I have also carried out a Repair and uninstalled and installed the tryout version, this also exhibits the same problem.

Background, I used A8 last on Friday with no problems, I have been out of office until today (14th) and my machine was left in Standby. The problem was there as I opened A8 this morning.

I also have A8 installed on my Tablet which is not online and this runs as it should with no shut down.(installed at the same time).
2006-12-14 16:27:02 UTC
We've ruled out a few things already with the assistance of some helpful replies. (1) Updater plugin. (2) Corrupt Organizer database. (3) I've got all the MS Updates and I'm not seeing the issue. (4) A solution for A7 users with a similar issue points to an activation issue. Coupling this with the fact that several posts revealed that A8 was working and then started showing this issue after 30 days or so, I would like to hear if everyone has activated their Acrobat 8 products successfully. Furthermore, could it be a conflict with other Adobe CS 2.x apps (that also activate).

Further summary: it appears that this issue is being seen on a wide variety of hardware as well, but only on XPSP2. If you are seeing this on Win2000 please let us know.

If anyone is willing to post their email address I'll attempt to contact you directly for some troubleshooting. I work in Acrobat Quality Engineering

Jeff Moran
2006-12-14 17:37:48 UTC

I activated my A8 and had no problems whatsoever......until I checked for an update. There was a quick download and obviously some type of installation and the program never worked the same again. Uninstall, repair, everything that has been mentioned on the forum I tried, nothing has solved the issue. I do have XPSP2 and Adobe CS2.x installed on the machine.

I haven't owned the product 30 days. Actually, it was within a week of installation that the problem occurred. Again, I'm confident that the problem has to do with the download from "update" downloaded from the Adobe site.
2006-12-14 18:19:35 UTC
I'm having the same issue. Anyone have an idea? I really need it to work.
2006-12-14 18:35:26 UTC
Hello, I'm posting again. I tried EVERY solution offered. I do NOT run dual core machine, two Xeon's with 4 gig RAM. This is maddening. You can certainly have my email address, I also activated successfully. ***@excaliburconsulting.net What else can I offer to help? Obviously many of us are frustrated here. Maybe if we find a way to communicate the details to Adobe logically and systematicalyy they can then find a solution.
2006-12-14 23:53:16 UTC
Hey people !

I have the same problem on my Win xp laptop ( single core ), but I only started to have it AFTER I installed Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5...

And non of the given solutions worked so far.
2006-12-15 03:36:36 UTC
Ok...for those who are as desperate as me...here is a fantastic (alternative) program I've tried out...not all of the bells and whistles of Acro8..but it WORKS!...bookmarks and all.....and a 30 day tryout....(hopefully Adobe will get it together by then)...go here:


I cringe at the high price I paid for AC/8...compared to this...

I can't wait no longer to access my pdf's....!!!!

Adobe...DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-12-15 06:10:15 UTC
I am surprised that with so many complaints, Adobe is not moving any where.

.:: www.Mashup.com ::. <http://www.mashup.com>
2006-12-15 11:14:13 UTC
Good morning,
I too have been having the same problem and am frustrated as anyone here. We rely heavily on Acrobat. I must say however, that Adobe IS listening. I have been working with someone there to try a number of possible solutions and have volunteered the time to help as I feel the problem is HUGE. PLEASE remember that this is just one issue of many and they are working on it. I received emails regarding this all day yesterday up until 9:35 PM. I am confident a solution will be found soon. In the meantime, I have downloaded the trial previously recommended and hope that will serve my needs until this is fixed. PATIENCE please. Yes we all paid A LOT of money [and we use Pro here also] but sometimes I think we are forgetting that the creators of the software are human just like us.
2006-12-15 13:11:55 UTC
Does Acrobat still closes automatically when you launch Acrobat holding down the shift-key?

(select acrobat icon, hold shift, then double-click the acrobat icon to launch acrobat, this launches acrobat without plugins)
2006-12-15 13:20:07 UTC
Good morning,
Yes it does, we have been trying a plethora of possible fixes, all to noavail.
2006-12-15 19:12:45 UTC
I am having the same problem on my new laptop. Does any one know if I am going to have to buy a new license if I am just transfering the program to a new pc?
2006-12-16 03:00:11 UTC
Hi Flora...

We understand what you said about Adobe working on the problem...but it only takes a few seconds to edit a webpage/homepage, with one.."we're sorry for the inconvience" type sentence...to let folks know about this....it wasn't something sudden....this has been since early November, just by looking at the forums....it's the Adobe brass's (not tech folks)...own fault for not saying anything......even Microsoft does that....damage or no damage to rep.

P.s...(with respect)....they should be writing the apology...not you... :)
2006-12-16 11:20:55 UTC
Rick, I get your point. I guess I was feeling charitable in light of the season. As an owner of a design firm, right now this is beginning to impact me HUGELY and soon I will have to switch to another product and cut my losses. As I own many licenses this upsets me with the cost of our investment. I also had hoped to hear from then again after Thursday but they stopped responding all of the sudden. UGH. Have a great day.
2006-12-17 16:11:38 UTC
Rick: Followed your lead on the NitroPDF 30 day trial. Since I can't read multipage documents in under 10 seconds, I had to make the move. Hopefully, Adobe can get to the bottom of this in 2006, which would be about 45 days from the original Woo Jim Lee posting of 11/19.

Anyhow, thanks for the link. I think A8 is a superior product, but I haven't gone through the Evelyn Wood speed reading class to be able to use it.

Have a Great Holiday!
2006-12-18 18:02:31 UTC
I work in Acrobat Quality Engineering and with a little help from individuals who have replied to my inquiries I can tell you that Adobe is looking at this issue with great interest (along with some other issues posted). We are treating this issue very importantly. The difficulty has actually been in reproducing the issue in-house.

At this time we are still narrowing it down. It appears to be an uncaught exception that is aborting Acrobat. I feel that it is a problem with our Activation files, but I do not know anything more concreate than that right now. I'm still perplexed to what is causing the issue for those on this thread, but not for others.

Please keep posting if you can, it really helps especially since I can't reproduce this. Here are some questions I would like to collect data on:
1. Can you please post what day Acrobat stopped working for you? The causation may be linked to a software or OS update. If we can find the time period that will help. The original post was on 11/19.
2. How many days was Acrobat 8 working for you before the problem started? Sevearl (1-3)? About a week? Not at all?
3. Can you confirm that you activated the product?
4. Does Distiller launch and work? Or does it quit as well?
5. If you have Creative Suites installed can you confirm if you applied an update for CS during the time in question?

(Flo, I sent you several emails on Friday and just re-forwarded them today. Please let me know if you did not get them.)
2006-12-19 07:48:14 UTC
I tried to start Distiller. It started and when it finished loading
system fonts it showed the following message and got closed after
opening Acrobat 8.0 Pro:

Acrobat Distiller cannot continue because Acrobat is not activated.

Click Retry after activating Acrobat to continue.
Click Cancel to quit Acrobat Distiller.

When I press 'Retry' it opens Acrobat 8.0 Pro and closes it again in
almost ten seconds as before.

It had been working since Nov 05, 2006 till a few days ago.
Post by J***@adobeforums.com
I work in Acrobat Quality Engineering and with a little help from individuals who have replied to my inquiries I can tell you that Adobe is looking at this issue with great interest (along with some other issues posted). We are treating this issue very importantly. The difficulty has actually been in reproducing the issue in-house....
2006-12-20 00:45:07 UTC
Using Regmon v7.04, from Sysinternals.com, I provided a log file from
the moment I opened Acrobat 8.0 Pro to the moment it got closed. Here
is the download link for my log file:


The following processes were excluded (filtered out):


I hope it helps. Please let me know if you want any of these processes
back in a new log file.
2006-12-18 19:07:09 UTC
One more question, (#6) for those experiencing the problem did you purchase Acrobat 8 from the adobe.com store?

p.s. please post emails if you liked to troubleshoot with me off-line.
2006-12-19 02:24:45 UTC
I have a possibly related problem on my ASUS A7JC notebook.
It's with Reader...
It silently does not start.

I have tried both version 8 and 7(.07?)
Originally I had a manufacturer installed version of 7 but the auto updates where looking for files located in the sysprep directory (Which is inaccessible and probably only visible when ASUS did the original build)
So I uninstalled the installation and tried to move straight to version 8
It refused to launchÂ…
I tried to roll back to version 7 but the fault still exists.
I tried to clean our HKLM&HKCU adobe registry and Program Files\Adobe before a reinstall with no success.
I have not yet tried the suggestions from <http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/332791.html>
I am willing to provide a log of file and registry access (Using SW from the sys internals website.)

My machine is a dual core, not sure if it is relevant.
Using DebugViewer (For capturing OutputDebugString messages) reveals no information.
The event log (System and Application) do not reveal the cause.
My machine recently had a svchost.exe fault which vas related to a corrupt Software Distribution directory for windows update service.
This has since been resolved and the PC updates are current as of 18 Dec 2006.
I have Nortons Anti Virus 2006 and System Works installed.
All is current and fully up to date.

Any help appreciated.


2006-12-22 07:46:44 UTC
This is a product activation issue. Do the following to solve it:

1- Uninstall Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Pro completely
2- Use CCleaner [go to ---> 'Issues'], and RegSeeker to clean your
3- Use your original Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Pro. CD to install it from
4- When you are asked for serial number, enter your own serial number
given to you when you bought your product (it's in your CD's package)
5- Validate your serial number, using your own validation number given
to you with when you bought the CD
6- When you installed the product, start it
7- You may or may not asked to 'Activate' you product. If you are
asked, press activation button. It goes on-line and activates your
product; end of the problem. Else (If you are not asked):
8- Go to 'Help' and chose 'Activate' under the Activation menu
9- Proceed as instructed. If you don't have internet access, you need
to contact a number at Adobe costumer service to do the activation by
10- When you call the costumer service, you will be asked for your
product serial number and Activation ID both of them provided in a
dialog box in Activation process by phone (you must have chosen'other
option', in step 8, to see 'activation by phone')
11- Once you have given those two numbers to the operator or an
automated answering machine which needs you to give the numbers by
dialing them on your phone, your product activation process will be
completed by entering the given number in the blank area in the dialog
box of Activation process
12- You are done; end of the problem.
I've just installedActobat8.0Proon my laptop and desktop. It works fine on my laptop but once I open it, itclosesautomaticallyin about 10 secondes. Tried uninstalling it and installing in again but nothing's soveled that problem. Please help me with this issue.
Intel Pentium D 820
1G Memory
Nvidia quadro FX 540
2006-12-23 01:34:27 UTC
Has Eric's solution worked for anyone? I have exams on and dont have
the time to try yet. Will give them a shot on Sunday, hopefully...

Gautam Rao
Post by Eric
1- Uninstall Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Pro completely
2- Use CCleaner [go to ---> 'Issues'], and RegSeeker to clean your
3- Use your original Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Pro. CD to install it from
4- When you are asked for serial number, enter your own serial number
given to you when you bought your product (it's in your CD's package)
5- Validate your serial number, using your own validation number given
to you with when you bought the CD
6- When you installed the product, start it
7- You may or may not asked to 'Activate' you product. If you are
asked, press activation button. It goes on-line and activates your
8- Go to 'Help' and chose 'Activate' under the Activation menu
9- Proceed as instructed. If you don't have internet access, you need
to contact a number at Adobe costumer service to do the activation by
10- When you call the costumer service, you will be asked for your
product serial number and Activation ID both of them provided in a
dialog box in Activation process by phone (you must have chosen'other
option', in step 8, to see 'activation by phone')
11- Once you have given those two numbers to the operator or an
automated answering machine which needs you to give the numbers by
dialing them on your phone, your product activation process will be
completed by entering the given number in the blank area in the dialog
box of Activation process
12- You are done; end of the problem.
I've just installedActobat8.0Proon my laptop and desktop. It works fine on my laptop but once I open it, itclosesautomaticallyin about 10 secondes. Tried uninstalling it and installing in again but nothing's soveled that problem. Please help me with this issue.
Intel Pentium D 820
1G Memory
Nvidia quadro FX 540
2006-12-23 08:05:01 UTC
The solutions worked at least for me. My Acrobat 8.0 Pro had been
showing all the symptoms described by our friends under this entry. And
I was waiting for someone to come up with a solution.

I figured out that there was a discrepancy between the original
Adobelm.dll and a corrupted version of it which causes the problem. I
guess it is the Adobe Licence Manager library.

Adobelm.dll [original] MD5: E5 A5 BE 2F F6 B6 5F 06 A4 1C 3D 87
F1 74 00 15
Adobelm.dll [corrupted] MD5: 76 40 84 60 60 40 96 85 3D 0A A0 97 67
E9 7A 1E

You can see that they are not the same.

(you can download the corrupted version from here:
and the original version from here:

You may also replace your own Adobelm.dll with the original one if you
want to, to see if things change; however, you would have to Activate
your copy again I guess. Please, be advised that you are doing this at
your own risk.

By the way, do not forget to restart your system after uninstalling and
cleaning your registry (before re-installing the product) when you are
following the solution.

I also heard the following from an insider in another forum
(http://tinyurl.com/ygmldr); I quote it directly in here:

"Folks, I've been told by a security consultant at Adobe that the
10-sec. shutdown rutine occurs on cracked versions of Acrobat 8. When
the application "senses" it has been altered, it immediately shuts
Hope this helps, somehow! And don't blame me, I'm just the messenger."
Post by Saving_the_Planet
Has Eric's solution worked for anyone? I have exams on and dont have
the time to try yet. Will give them a shot on Sunday, hopefully...
Gautam Rao
Post by Eric
1- Uninstall Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Pro completely
2- Use CCleaner [go to ---> 'Issues'], and RegSeeker to clean your
3- Use your original Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Pro. CD to install it from
4- When you are asked for serial number, enter your own serial number
given to you when you bought your product (it's in your CD's package)
5- Validate your serial number, using your own validation number given
to you with when you bought the CD
6- When you installed the product, start it
7- You may or may not asked to 'Activate' you product. If you are
asked, press activation button. It goes on-line and activates your
8- Go to 'Help' and chose 'Activate' under the Activation menu
9- Proceed as instructed. If you don't have internet access, you need
to contact a number at Adobe costumer service to do the activation by
10- When you call the costumer service, you will be asked for your
product serial number and Activation ID both of them provided in a
dialog box in Activation process by phone (you must have chosen'other
option', in step 8, to see 'activation by phone')
11- Once you have given those two numbers to the operator or an
automated answering machine which needs you to give the numbers by
dialing them on your phone, your product activation process will be
completed by entering the given number in the blank area in the dialog
box of Activation process
12- You are done; end of the problem.
I've just installedActobat8.0Proon my laptop and desktop. It works fine on my laptop but once I open it, itclosesautomaticallyin about 10 secondes. Tried uninstalling it and installing in again but nothing's soveled that problem. Please help me with this issue.
Intel Pentium D 820
1G Memory
Nvidia quadro FX 540
2006-12-22 13:43:11 UTC
Just how many of you have NVidia Video Cards. It might have something to do with the GPU Acceleration in Acrobat...
2006-12-22 16:26:00 UTC
using all in wonder 9800 xt
Post by J***@adobeforums.com
Just how many of you have NVidia Video Cards. It might have something to do with the GPU Acceleration in Acrobat...
2006-12-22 14:01:28 UTC
Hi, I'm using ATI Radeon, and IMHO don't think the problem is there..
2006-12-22 15:37:14 UTC
Im using an on-board Intel 855 on my laptop. Still have the same
Post by i***@adobeforums.com
Hi, I'm using ATI Radeon, and IMHO don't think the problem is there..
2006-12-23 05:00:47 UTC
Acrobat 8 Professional. was working fine until I updated my NVIDIA GF drivers to...

Windows XP/2000 32-bit
Version: 93.71
Release Date: November 2, 2006

Since the above graphic card update Acrobat is now closing automatically after about 6 seconds.

I went back to my previous NVIDIA drivers Installing the previous version...

Windows XP/2000 32-bit
Version: 91.47
Release Date: September 14, 2006

Acrobat 8 closing problem solved.

Unfortunately I don't who is worse with their tech support. Nvidia or Adobe.

Nope. I think I've Made up my mine...Nvidia, by a very, very, very small margin !
2006-12-23 13:04:28 UTC
Acrobat 8 is closing after 8 sec.
I have WIN XP and ATI Radeon and that problem must have
another reason.
Now I have installed Acrobat 7 and it works.
2006-12-24 10:30:11 UTC

I'm glad to hear that your problem is fixed Otto...but on two separate computers...with two different ATI cards...the problem is still there...

This isn't a NVidia problem....it's ACROBAT....

True..there may be some conflicts...but a lot of us don't even have NVidia...(and I never have).

I've even tried in different monitor and screen size configurations...because I remember years ago, Quickbooks had the same problem..and it turned out that it would only work correctly in 800x600..until the updates came out.

Besides Adobe's lack of urgency to this problem...the only other, really "in common" thing here is that a lot of us upgraded via windows update recently.

There is also a similar problem with some folks on this forum regarding Acrobat 7.08....and the video cards didn't seem to be the "main" problem with the reason for this constant crashing.
2006-12-28 17:04:43 UTC
OK Guys. I had the same problem that everyone else was having. I tried everything from re installing from another profile, and also installing it on a different machine.

Finally I took a different approach. I uninstalled the entire app, got rid of everything on my PC/Laptop that had acrobat in the name. I did not go through the registry, just files on the local disk.

After I installed it, I killed my wireless connection, and Activated the program over the phone. After punching in all the friggin numbers and letters, Acrobat no longer closes after 8 seconds.

I just had to let everyone know how I did this. I have been watching this post for about a week or so, and Adobe has not done a thing about it.

Hope this helps Everyone !!

PS for a good online poker game visit


Still accepting business from our U.S. Players !
2006-12-29 18:03:37 UTC
Jeff MOran, you seem to be familiar with Organizer's database. Please take a look at the thread that's headed "Organizer database is damaged..." and see if you have any thoughts.
2006-12-30 19:01:13 UTC
Here is what I have found so far.

We are running Vista on all of our clients, and have been told by adobe that Acrobat 8 is designed to run on Vista. We have seen this problem on a variety of platforms including laptops and desktops, regardless of the client OS. There is no indication for a connection to the video hardware, as we see this on nVidia, ATI, and even some older type cards. We have also reasonably confirmed that it is not likely a corruption of any of the installed files... removing all of the installed files from ALL directories and reinstalling does not eliminate the problem. Same thing for the registry entries. So what is left?

We believe that the problem lies firmly in the files installed by Adobe Acrobat that deal directly with the writing and gathering of information written to the registry. Our developers feel that this would explain almost all of the problems being reported here. Adobe has written their dlls specifically in this way.

We have been corresponding separately with Jeff Moran, however like the rest of the group reporting on this issue, we have seen little actual support for the issue. We have a number of commitments for contacts with engineering (theirs to ours), however this has thus far not happened. His voice mail says that he is out until the 8th of Jan. Our team of developers can not take the issue much further than what we have outlined, as we do not have access to the internal workings of the program, so our only recourse at this point is to either wait for Adobe to rectify the issue (hopefully the developers will be back off of vacation to start working again) or start motivating management to move it along using fiscal measures. I have to think that a substantial problem like this with customers seeking remuneration and/or moving to a competitive product HAS to get their attention.

If anyone has any productive thoughts as to a resolution given these circumstances, I know that we would be thrilled to hear them, as I am sure the rest of the forum would. Aside from this, we are regrettably at the mercy of the engineers, not tech support, to solve this issue.

Happy Holidays,
Jeff MacMillan
2006-12-30 19:09:20 UTC
None of the clients we work with, nor any of our customers are reporting any message about "Organizer database is damaged..."

Most have reported the premature closing, with no messages at all. I would say that it is definately an issue, one that deserves to have its own thread (which it does). Can you explain how you think there is a connection with this issue?

2006-12-30 23:06:11 UTC
For the group, We have installed Acrobat Pro 3D 7.07 after uninstalling 8.0 completely. This has yet to fail, regardless of the client or platform. We are using this successfully on Vista as well. We ran the update to 7.08, and it still works fine. I agree with the earlier statements that you should back down to Acrobat 7 to get working. There are a number of places to download a demo, which is good for 30 days, but if you have trouble finding one, feel free to contact me.

It is too bad that we have not been given any options from Adobe.

